The surprise news is that taking the stairs is also good for the planet. Consider these facts:
Stair climbing burns almost 700% the number of calories you burn standing on an elevator.
Just two minutes of stair-climbing each day burns enough calories to eliminate the one pound an average adult gains each year.
An escalator that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, can use 28,000 kilowatt hours of energy over the course of a year. That’s enough to create 43,000 pounds of carbon dioxide – more than three times the amount a car produces.
Every time you take the stairs you make a choice that is good for your heart, your health, and the environment.
Skip the elevator lines, make it on time to class or meetings, tone your legs and glutes, give your system a shot of adrenalin, and rev your metabolism. . . all by taking the stairs.