Tuesday, October 27, 2009

5 Healthy Eating Tips from our Cafeteria

Trying to make healthier eating decisions at home and school? City Tech's new cafeteria vendor offers a number of surprisingly healthy options. Here's our top 5 tips for eating healthy on campus:

1. Steer clear of the fried side. Don't even bother wandering over to the left hand side of cafeteria hot line: the offering consist almost entirely of fried fast food-style options, all high in fat and sodium and low on nutrients.

2. Make your own salad from the salad bar. Heap your plate with vegetables and beans, go easy on the cheese, and try using half the normal amount of dressing you usually use. Craving some meat? Ask for a sliced grilled chicken breast from the sandwich station next to it.

3. Try the daily special with two vegetables. No, your Mom didn't make it, but someone actually cooked these meals. Ask for two vegetable sides instead of a starchy potato, pasta, noodle, or rice side and you've made a much better choice. Or, go for the broth, nt

4. When building a sandwich, skip the mayo and cheese. Yes, mayonnaise is delicious, but it also can double the total fat and calorie count of your sandwich. Go for mustard instead, and ask for whole grain breads.

5. When all else fails, eat cereal with skim milk. No, not the fruit loops or frosted corn flakes. The cafeteria now offers whole grain, low sugar options that will help you feel full and avoid sugar crashes later in the day. Add a banana to that choice for even more nutritional impact.

Check out this website for more ideas on how you can make simple, healthier swaps in your food choices