Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu Update

New York City College of Technology continues to monitor available information regarding swine flu. Below you will find an update of the most recent developments to help you make informed decisions about your health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that U.S. travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Mexico. Further information about travel restrictions to Mexico may be found at the following website:

All New Yorkers should continue to follow the precautions listed below:

• Always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with a tissue, or cough into shoulder
or sleeve. Do not cough or sneeze into bare hands. Promptly throw tissue in trash.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based cleaners, especially after
you cough or sneeze.
• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
• If you get sick with a fever accompanied by a sore throat, stay home from work or school for
seven days and limit contact with others to avoid infecting them.

In the rare instance that someone in your home becomes ill with swine flu, the CDC has issued guidelines to help you stay well, care for your loved one, and avoid further transmission of the virus. You will find this information at the following website:

It is important to note that the vast majority of the cases of swine flu that have appeared in the U.S. have been very mild. While the number of cases reported in New York has risen in the past two days, those cases have, thus far, been linked to known exposures. The overall confirmed swine flu case number is still very, very low.

Remain calm, stay alert to new information, and follow the common sense precautions detailed here and advised by the New York City Department of Health and the CDC.

For facts about influenza, and more information about swine flu, please visit the Department of Health and CDC websites. Some specific resources:

– Facts about flu from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene:

– General information about swine flu from the CDC:

New York State Department of Health has set up a 24-hour hotline to answer questions about swine flu: 800-808-1987.

The Student Wellness Center is available to answer questions about swine flu and any other health-related matters. The Center can be reached at (718) 260-5910 and is located in Pearl 104. We will post further information as it becomes available. Please continue to check the City Tech website for updated information.