Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Walk the Bridge Weather? 65 and sunny!

Lace On Your Sneakers and Get Ready to Walk
This Thursday, April 29th
Gifts for every walker.
Join us! We launch from the Atrium.
See you there!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Turning 21? Celebrate Safely

Its no secret that many people consider the 21st birthday as an open invitation to binge drinking. However, even among students who plan to binge drink (more than five drinks ina hour, and more than eight drinks in a single drinking episode) they often end up drinking a lot more than they planned. According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research at University of Maryland, College Park, two thirds of college students drank more than anticipated on their 21st birthday--from a planned average number of 7 drinks to 12 actually consumed.

As researchers note, "More than half (55%) of celebrants in this study reported drinking free shots in bars. In addition, students who drank more than anticipated were more likely to engage in 21stbirthday drinking traditions (e.g., drinking 21 shots, drinking at midnight) and to have more influential peers present that encouraged drinking. Overall, 61% of all those who drank to celebrate had one or more influential peers present and 60% engaged in one or more 21st birthday drinking traditions."

Extreme drinking at this level is an invitation to serious alcohol poisoning, and possibly even death.

What are some suggestions for safe birthday drinking ?
First, consider skipping the bar routine altogether. Say no to free shots of cheap liquor and instead indulge in a few very special drinks or cocktails at home or at a restaurant. Make your celebration drinks a part of a meal--rather than drinking simply for the sake of drinking.

Set your drink limit ahead of time and ask a friend to stay sober and keep count. Once you reach your drink limit, switch to non-alcoholic beverages.

Happy Birthday--be safe and have FUN!